Whilst I find woodland photography challenging, there are days when I want to head to the woods and see if i can get a composition. That’s the most difficult aspect to woodland photography as the scenes can be chaotic and difficult to simplify. Scottish woodland is also notoriously ‘messy’ making it more difficult to compose images well. Mist or light drizzly rain (very common here in Scotland) is nature’s aid and we are lucky in Scotland to have large areas of woodland and waters within easy reach of the major towns and cities of the Central Belt.

Glen Affric Blizzard I

Glen Affric Blizzard II

Glen Affric Blizzard III

The Quiet Zone

Coolest Reflection

The Dancers

The Platoon V

The Platoon II


The Platoon I

The Platoon III

The Platoon IV



Perthshire in Autumn