As each day passes the call of the landscape booms louder, its pull ever more forceful…..

Martin Donald Smith

A bit about me……..

I’m a photographer based in Scotland and I enjoy combining my photography with various exploratory trips to beautiful destinations in Scotland and the north of England. I always take my boys (dogs!) with me, Jasper and Mitchell. They’re great company and, as border collies, keep me active and encourage me to explore and be inquisitive. I just wish I had their energy!

I favour working in low light conditions, which means that I’m often up and about through the night, from dusk through ‘til dawn.

I like to create images where there is a touch of natural, playful light at work. I think I have a light leaning towards taking low-key, darker images, but it’s far from exclusive, and some of my personal favourites are anything but low-key.

For me landscape photography is all about capturing natural light in a pleasing way as it falls across the scene, and framing the scene this in a way that makes for a composition that connects in some way to the viewer and tells a little story. That’s the intention anyway. It sometimes pays off. As a hobby more generally, landscape photography is a great way of getting out and about, discovering new places, learning about local history and geology, keeping fit, and staying active mentally.

I also post the occasional blog on here, but you can also get more up-to-date information about what I’m up to via my instagram account.

Thanks for stopping by.